Another idea for a health insurance premium

Another idea for a health insurance premium

Poland 2050 has proposed its version of health insurance contribution reform for entrepreneurs and employees. The rate would depend on revenue.

Poland 2050 wants to introduce 3 health insurance contribution thresholds for entrepreneurs and full-time employees, depending on income. MP Ryszard Petru admits that his group’s proposal would cost the State Treasury more than the government’s idea.

According to the Poland 2050 plan, people with an annual income of up to PLN 85,000 would pay a contribution of PLN 300 per month, and this would apply to both employees and entrepreneurs settling their taxes under general rules. The same contribution would be paid by entrepreneurs paying a flat tax with an annual income of up to PLN 120,000. In the case of people with an annual income of PLN 85,000 to PLN 300,000 and entrepreneurs settling their taxes with a flat tax with an income of over PLN 120,000, the contribution would increase to PLN 525 per month. With an income exceeding PLN 300,000 per year, the contribution for both groups would already amount to PLN 700 per month.

Poland 2050 MP Ryszard Petru admitted that his group’s idea would cost the budget more than the government’s proposal, which was presented on Thursday.

We are talking about a difference between PLN 5 and 10 billion. We are convinced, and in fact we know where to find these savings in the state budget, so that the health care budget and the National Health Fund do not suffer from these proposals.

– said the politician.

Let us recall that the government’s proposal for changes in the health insurance contribution would cost from PLN 4 billion to PLN 5 billion. It is already known that the Civic Coalition’s project will not be supported by the Razem Party.

Source: PAP