Yolanda Diaz, Minister of Labor and Social Economy is going to propose to social agents an increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) of 50 euros, as advised by the Committee of Experts. Social agents, employers and unions are summoned to this meeting, which will be held on Wednesday. The second vice president of the Government, in an interview with La Vanguardia, highlighted that she would like the CEOEthe employer’s association Antonio Garamendijoined the agreement to raise the minimum wage.
This same afternoon, the Ministry of Labor will issue the call for the social dialogue table in which Díaz hopes to reach an agreement. Now, on the one hand there is the UGT union that asks the Government for a consensus so that the new SMI is exempt from paying personal income tax. And on the other, the businessmen who, in a letter sent to Díaz’s department, have shown their anger and criticize the reduction of working hoursthe other great workhorse of the Galician minister.
In the interview, she wanted to calm the waters by defending the SMI rise in a context in which it is increasingly difficult to “fill the shopping basket or where it is seen that housing is a very serious problem with a lot of extra associated problems.”
Labor wants to update the personal income tax so that whoever collects the SMI does not have to pay
Yolanda Díaz’s intention once the increase in the SMI has been agreed will be update personal income tax so that whoever earns the minimum wage is free from paying taxes. A position in which the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, also plays a leading role.
He did highlight that he would like this increase in the SMI to be thanks to an agreement between all parties, within a flexible negotiation framework.
Open crisis due to the reduction of working hours
Yolanda Díaz has sent a message to Minister of Economy, Carlos Bodywhich has paralyzed the reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours, so the procedures could be delayed and therefore, their entry into force.
The position of the PSOE in this sense is “very serious” since it is seeing a situation that has never happened, once the social dialogue agreement was closed. The socialists are “breaching the government agreement” and this could lead to a crisis of confidence in the event that the reduction in working hours is not a reality.
He has cited Donald Trump as an example to point out that “politics based on broken promises In a country like Spain, it contributes to citizen disaffection and to the expansion of the right and extreme right in complex and turbulent times.” Now, he hopes that his socialist partners will rectify “and comply with the Government agreement.”