Yolanda Díaz wants to approve tomorrow the same Omnibus decree that the Congress repealed and contained the rise in pensions

Yolanda Díaz wants to approve tomorrow the same Omnibus decree that the Congress repealed and contained the rise in pensions

The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díazhe has defended this Monday that The government takes tomorrow, “if it can be”, to the Council of Ministers, the same Omnibus decree that was repealed last week in the Congress of Deputies. A decree that, among other social measures, included the rise in pensions of around 12 million pensioners.

“I think the Government of Spain must take as soon as possible, if it can be tomorrow, to the Council of Ministers this Omnibus decree,” said Europa Press’s ‘informative breakfasts’. On this possible approval, he added that The norm should not ‘chop’as they ask from Junts or PP, but it states that it must be taken “as it is” because “pain -based policy is not what citizens want.”

As for repeal in Congress (with the votes against PP, Vox and Junts), he has accused the popular of being “kidnapped by Vox” and that that will prevent its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to reach La Moncloa. In this regard, he pointed out that it is theirs (the Popular Party) and not of Junts, the responsibility for social measures to lie.

“They are not slapping the Government of Spain. They are slapping eleven and a half million pensioners in our country. They are slapping many citizens who move by bonus public transport, ”Diaz recriminated. Finally, he has asked If the PP is going to make the “same error” with the reduction of the working day that with the labor reformsince they voted against it but, by the error of a vote of a former popular ‘(Alberto Casero), he went ahead.

Against ‘chop’ the decree bun

The Minister of Labor has been against ‘choping’ the Omnibus decree that, among others, contains the rise in pensions; transport bonuses; the aids of the Dana; the Erte de la Palma; or the extension of the SMI. Specifically, he defends that it should not be done so that political formations can choose “what they do not like” since they are measures that are “very important for people’s lives.”

Asked for another possible parliamentary defeat if they carry the same decree, he has warned that if the PP returned to Vote against “They will be very expensive”ensuring that he wants to see that “the Popular Party votes against this Royal Decree, I want to see it.”

Regarding the vote against the PP, these demonstrated to be against the repealed decree included the transfer to the PNV of the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Paris, qualifying it as “a draft of cuts and blackmail”.