When the minimum vital income is charged this January 2025: Entrance date of each bank

When the minimum vital income is charged this January 2025: Entrance date of each bank

The Social Security will pay the minimum vital income to expired monththe first business day of each month, and always before day 4. This means that the minimum vital income corresponding to the January will be charged between February 1 and 4, 2025. This date may vary depending on the bank.

The entry of the IMV is regulated in article 24.2 of Royal Decree 696/2018, which stipulates that the General Social Security Treasury (TGSS) has to pay this public benefit between the first and fourth natural day of the month. This means that The beneficiaries who have requested the benefit must have money before Tuesday, February 5, No matter what your bank.

What banks advance the minimum vital income

The banking entities that normally pay the minimum vital income to their customers are Caixabank, BBVA, Banco Santander, ING, Bankinter, Unicaja, Caja Rural, Abanca, Banco Sabadell and Cajasur. Contrary to what happens with pensions, in the case of the IMV there is no fixed date to collect it, so there may be variations on the dates according to the bank and whether the collection day falls on a holiday or day.

In order to advance the IMV, banking entities such as CaixaBank, BBVA or Banco Santander have what is known as a centralized account, of the General Social Security Treasury (TGSS). This allows the entities, the beneficiaries of both the INSS and the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) and the amount they must collect. This allows, if they want to advance the collection of the benefit always respecting the “value date”, which is the limit that the law says.

Vital minimum income rises in 2025

IMV rises 9% this January, by most beneficiaries it will notice an increase in the amount of its benefit. Even so, this rise could be temporary, since the Congress tumbo the “Omnibus Decree”, which among its measures was the increase in the minimum vital income as well as the rest of the benefits and pensions of the INSS. Even so, the government has a margin to get a new decree in which this provisional rise is maintained now. Thus the amounts by 2025 would remain as follows:

  • An adult: 658.59 euros per month, 7,903.07 euros per year.
  • An adult and a minor: 733.85 euros per month, 10,274.08 euros per year.
  • An adult and two minors: 903.21 euros per month, 12,644.96 euros per year.
  • An adult and three minors: 1,251.33 euros per month, 15,015.97 euros per year.
  • An adult and more than three minors: 1,448.90 euros per month, 17,386.85 euros per year.
  • Two adults: 856.17 euros per month, 10,274.08 euros per year.
  • Two adults and a minor: 903.21 euros per month, 12,644.96 euros per year.
  • Two adults and two minors: 1,251.33 euros per month, 15,015.97 euros per year.
  • Two adults and more than two minors: 1,448.90 euros per month, 17,386.85 euros per year.
  • Three adults: 903.21 euros per month, 12,644.96 euros per year.
  • Three adults and a minor: 1,251.33 euros per month, 15,015.97 euros per year.
  • Three adults and two or more minors: 1,448.90 euros per month, 17,386.85 euros per year.
  • Four adults: 1,251.33 euros per month, 15,015.97 euros per year.
  • Four adults and a minor: 1,448.90 euros per month, 17,386.85 euros per year.
  • Others: 1,448.90 euros per month, 17,386.85 euros per year.

Reasons why you can charge less vital minimum income or not collect the benefit

Every year, all beneficiaries of the minimum vital income (IMV) must necessarily submit the Declaration of Income (IRPF), since, in the case of not doing so, Social Security can suspend the benefit. With the updated income level of the beneficiary and the members that make up the family unit, social security proceeds to update the amounts, which can lead to four situations.

The first is that the amount rises, what can happen if the members of the coexistence unit increase or if income decreases, among other factors. The second situation is that the amount falls, which happens if income increases or if the coexistence unit has been reduced.

Thirdly, the amount can be kept the same, when no variations are produced in income or in the composition of the unit. Finally, the minimum vital income can be suspended if the beneficiary ceases to meet the established requirements.