Permanent disability is a provision of contributory that Social Security grants to those working persons who, due to a professional illness or accident or not, cannot return to work activity, either partially, total or absolute. Unable to work in the same conditions that they had been developing, this permanent disability pension comes to alleviate that lack of income.
Now, to access the permanent disability pension it is necessary suffer from some disease or pathology that prevents developing our work activity in a normal way. In this situation, it normally begins from a situation of medical leave due to temporary disability and it can be proposed by both the National Social Security Institute, as well as the Mutual or the same interested as long as it is in a high or assimilated situation to the discharge .
The amount of this pension will depend on the regulatory base and the degree of disability being able to be partial, absolute, absolute or great disability. By granting permanent disability, although a life pension is a priori, it is revisable, that is, social security can evaluate the degree to determine whether it has improved or worsened. As a norm, general, Social Security performs these exams every two years, being able to increase or reduce the degree of disability or cease it
Table with diseases that allow permanent disability to request
It must be clarified that Social security does not have an official list of diseases that cause permanent disability in any of their degrees. Although there are a number of pathologies for which both administrative and judicial via can be recognized, the concession depends on the ailment and how it affects the working person. That is, there are sick and not diseases. Even so, there is a table published by Campmany Lawyers for which it is more possible to grant a permanent disability, due to the multiple judicial sentences, the following being:
- Ischemic heart disease
- Cancer
- Cervical osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rotary condromalacia
- Anylosynt spondylitis
- Degenerative spondylitis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Lupus
- Rizastrosis
- Ménière syndrome
Lung diseases:
- Silicosis
- Liver diseases
- Ataxia
- Alzheimer’s
- Agoraphobia
- Aniridia
- Albinism
- Dystimia
- Distrophy of cones and canes
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Schizophrenia
- Kidney diseases
- Foraminal stenosis
- Hernia Disc
- Ictus
- Medullary lesion
- Chronic low back pain
- Myopia Magna
- Maculopathy
- Cubital neuropathy
- Narcolepsy
- Postpolio
- Lumbar radicle
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Pigmentary retinosis
- Siringomyielia and Arnold Chiari
- Stargardt
- Sjögren syndrome
- Südeck syndrome
- Tourette syndrome
- Carpian tunnel syndrome
- Subacromial syndrome
- Mixed adaptive disorder
- Bipolar disorder