The SEPE aid that you can collect for 30 months and if you meet this requirement

The SEPE aid that you can collect for 30 months and if you meet this requirement

He State Public Employment Service (SEPE) is in charge of managing all the unemployment benefits and subsidies depending on the economic and family situation of the unemployed. Among these there is help that can be get paid for 30 months (2 years and 6 months) and that after being exhausted, the Minimum Living Income (IMV) would be directly accessed as long as the requirements are met. This aid has an initial amount of 570 euros per month and is intended for unemployed people with family responsibilities who have difficulties finding a new job.

This aid is the subsidy for exhaustion of the contributory benefit, and this is intended for workers who after exhaust the contributory benefitbetter known as unemployment, lack sufficient economic income. Now, to access it it is necessary to meet a series of requirements as well as having family responsibilities to access the maximum duration.

To this one, like the rest of unemployment benefitsis also known as “mini-unemployment” due to its lower amount and that not all unemployed people are entitled to it. Only unemployed people who lack sufficient income can access.

The requirement to collect 30 months of unemployment benefits

To access this benefit it is necessary and mandatory having consumed the contributory unemployment benefit to which one was entitled and having done so for a minimum period of 6 months (180 days). Furthermore, it is necessary lack sufficient income. The SEPE understands as lack of income all those located below the 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI), which is currently 850.5 euros per month.

On the other hand, being registered as a job seeker or complying with the activity commitment will be necessary both to access and maintain the SEPE subsidy.

In addition, and as a novelty according to the latest reform of unemployment benefits regulated under Royal Decree-Law 2/2024, all beneficiaries of any subsidy will be required to submit the Income Tax Return (IRPF).

Duration and amount

The duration of the subsidy for exhaustion of the contributory benefit is determined by the unemployment incurred, the age of the applicant and whether or not he or she has family members. Thus, to be entitled to the maximum duration it will be necessary to have family responsibilities and have been unemployed for at least 180 days. For the rest, the duration will be as follows:

  • Minors under 45 years of age without family responsibilities: They must have exhausted at least 360 days of contributory benefit to access a six-month subsidy.
  • People over 45 years of age without family responsibilities: They will need to have consumed at least 120 days of contributory benefit to receive six months of subsidy.
  • People with family responsibilities (regardless of age):

    • If they have exhausted at least 120 days of contributory benefits, they will be entitled to a subsidy of up to 24 months.
    • If they have consumed 180 days or more, the subsidy may be extended to a maximum of 30 months.

It should be noted that although this aid can be granted for up to 30 months, it must be renewed for periods of six months, and extensions may be requested until the aid is exhausted.

The amount of the subsidy changes and now, instead of collecting 80% of the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM) as until now, the aid will be variable and decreasing over the time of receipt.

During the first 180 days, 95% of the IPREM will be received, which is equivalent to 570 euros per month. Subsequently, during the next 180 days, the amount will decrease to 90% of the IPREM, resulting in 540 euros per month. Finally, starting on day 361, 80% of the IPREM will be received, which corresponds to 480 euros per month, the usual amount.