The purchase and sale of homes in November grows by 15% compared to 2023 according to the INE

The purchase and sale of homes in November grows by 15% compared to 2023 according to the INE

The purchase and sale of housing in Spain increases compared to 2023, according to the latest data published by the INE. The provisional numbers for November 2024 reflect that a 15% more homes from purchase and sale in the Property Registry, reaching a total of 54,299.

Despite the increase in housing prices, and in the absence of knowing the definitive data, more Spaniards have decided to buy than in 2023, however, it is significant drop in operations compared to the previous monthwith a decrease of 21.8%.

Regarding the type of properties, the data leaves no room for doubt and is that free homes win by a landslide92.4% compared to 7.6% for officially protected properties. With a smaller difference, but also with a significantly higher percentage, the second-hand properties are positioned as the best sellers (77.3%), compared to 22.7% of operations that were registered for new construction homes.

This is how the sale and purchase of homes in Spain has evolved according to the INE

The data published by the INE reveal iimportant differences between autonomous communities. While some regions experience a notable boom, others see their increase slow down, even reaching negative values.

La Rioja stands out as the absolute leader, with an increase of 58.2% in the number of home sales compared to the same month of the previous year. This outstanding growth is accompanied by important advances in the Community of Madrid (35.0%) and Castilla-La Mancha (33.9%), positioning these regions among the most dynamic in the real estate market.

On the other hand, several autonomous communities registered more moderate increases, such as Galicia (32.5%) and Castilla y León (28.7%). In the north, Asturias presents a growth of 27.0%, followed by Extremadura (21.2%) and the Basque Country (19.1%).

The The Balearic Islands are positioned as the only community with a negative rate, registering a drop of 4.3% in the number of sales. Other regions such as the Canary Islands (1.2%) and Andalusia (3.5%) present very slight increases, reflecting a dynamic well below the national average.