The new form to request the 1,449 euros per month for the minimum vital income

The new form to request the 1,449 euros per month for the minimum vital income

Social Security has on its website the form to request the minimum vital entry (IMV) on a telematic way. This benefit is intended for people or units of coexistence who do not have sufficient economic income. The amounts of this non -contributory benefit range from 658.59 euros to 1,448.90 euros.

Social Security explains on their website that they can request the minimum vital income (IMV) people over 23 who are not part of a coexistence unit or are married or are de facto couple. Those who are between 23 and 29 years old with legal residence in Spain for at least two years can also access and have lived independently.

Likewise, it is contemplated for over 30 years who have lived independently the previous year, women over 18 years of gender violence or trafficking, young people between 18 and 22 years old from children protection centers living alone, and homeless people.

Apart, it is necessary, as we have said before, demonstrate economic vulnerability and fill in the minimum vital entry application form. This can be presented online and in person at the Social Security offices, but it is necessary to make an appointment.

How to fill in the minimum vital income form online

To perform the process telematic, it is necessary to access the minimum vital income and click on “Simulate and request” The first step is to start a new request, for which it will be necessary to specify the corresponding province. Next, the simulator will be activated that allows to verify if the necessary requirements are met to receive the benefit. Among the questions they present include the number of members, how many are minors, the age of the applicant or marital status.

After completing this process, the system will indicate whether we are possible beneficiaries or not of the minimum vital income and what would be the amount we would charge. In case of meeting the requirements, a form similar to the one explained below must be filled.

How to fill in the form to present it in person

To present in person the request for the minimum vital incomeit is necessary to follow several steps. In the first place, you have to download and fill out the form and ensuring that only one is submitted, making sure to submit only one application, since sending several could lead to its denial.

Step 1 of the minimum vital income form

In the form, the first step consists of Complete personal dataincluding the social security affiliation number. In this section, a question appears that usually generates doubts: “Do you receive a compensatory pension?” This refers to the pension that a judge establishes for one of the spouses after a divorce, not to the food pension.

The second section requires including the Information of all people who are part of the coexistence unitindicating their employment, kinship, disability (if they have it), and type of residence in the case of being foreigners.

Step 2 of the minimum vital income form

In the third section, they must Declare income and assets Total of both the applicant and their coexistence unit, excluding the minimum income of insertion and social wages of the autonomous communities. In the room, entitled “Special Assumptions”, it will be indicated if someone who does not have a family link with the coexistence unit coexists at home.

Finally, in the last section, the address of the applicantwhich must coincide with that registered in the Treasury database, since it will be used for procedure notifications. Once all the steps have been completed, it will be necessary to request a previous appointment in the Social Security to present the form.

How much vital minimum income is charged

Last December the Government approved a 9% rise for the minimum vital income as of January 1, 2025. Therefore, the amounts are higher with respect to last year. In addition, these vary depending on the number of members of the coexistence unit. For a single beneficiary, the amount is 658.59 euros per month.

If there is an adult and a minor, the amount is 733.85 euros per month, and if there are two adults, it is 856.17 euros per month. He maximum of 1,448.90 euros per month It is applied in the following cases: two adults and more than two minors, three adults and two or more minors, or configurations with more members.

Keep in mind that the amount assigned by Social Security does not always coincide with the amount received. The benefit that enters social security is Difference between the assigned amount and income of the applicant or the coexistence unit.