The houses or house masters always They receive economic remunerationso it is necessary to differentiate it from the work of Household employee or employeein which people who perform identical domestic work, under normal conditions, Yes they are discharged in Social Security. This makes access to certain financial aid difficult, specifically to the unemployment benefits of the Public State Employment Service (SEPE)since you cannot recognize any type of contribution in the case of masters or housewives that are not given in the Social Security regime.
Despite this, even in the most extreme cases in which they have never been able loves and masters, including those who are more than 52 years old. And it is no accident that they are precisely one of the groups that most need these types of benefits or aid, since a third of the unemployed in our country are women over 45 years, figures that normally aggravate with the increase in the increase in age.
It is necessary to indicate, that we are talking about aid that are not exclusive to the loves and masters of home, but that anyone can access them fulfilling the minimum requirements. There are two types of Non -contributory benefits Belonging to the Social Security to which these people could be accepted, in addition to an unemployment subsidy, which can be extended to the retirement age by gathering certain conditions, which also makes available the agency of the SEPE.
Minimum vital income and non -contributing pension
Yes one love or house has not yet reached 65 years and does not have enough economic incomemay request the minimum vital income, an aid that involves a complement to income in order to guarantee a minimum income.
This help gives the beneficiary an economic amount that depends directly on their coexistence unit, being Between 658.59 euroscorresponding to an adult, and the 1,448.9 euros per month. In the case of single -parent or beneficiary families that had a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%, the amount will increase by 22%. It is possible to request the Minimum vital income Through the Social Security Electronic Headquarters, or also in person, in the Social Security offices.
In the case of being over 65 and lack of sufficient income, it is possible to request the Non -contributing retirement pensionprovided they do not have the right to a retirement tax pension and their income does not exceed 7,905.80 euros per year.
The annual annual amount of these pensions is 7,905.80 euros, which is equivalent to 564.7 euros per month distributed in 14 payments. However, this amount may vary depending on factors such as the number of beneficiaries, individual income and those of the coexistence unit. (To consult the exact amounts, it is recommended to review the official information about the non -contributory pension). The request for this benefit can also be made online through the Imserso electronic headquarters.
Subsidy for over 52 years
Although housewives and masters do not quote on Social Security (unless, as we have explained at the beginning, they are employees or employees of the home given) may also have previously quoted. Only if so, the SEPE offers the Subsidy for over 52 yearsan aid that has an amount equivalent to 80% of the IPREM (public indicator of multiple effects rent), which are currently 480 euros per month.
This is the only help that can be charged indefinitely until you find work or until it reaches the retirement age, because the difficulty of finding a new job from this age is taken into account. This subsidy trades for 125% of the minimum base, that is, for a base of 1,653.75 euros per month. In 2025, the minimum base is set at 1,323 euros per month, although it could change since the government wants to raise the minimum interprofessional salary and is linked to the minimum contribution base.
To access this aid, the SEPE demands to have a minimum 15 years quoted in Social Security, of which 6 years have been unemployment contributions, as well as being unemployed at the time of the application and being registered as a plaintiff of employment. As a last requirement, an income is required that does not exceed 75% of the SMI (minimum interprofessional salary), excluding the proportional part of two extraordinary payments. That is, 850.5 euros per month.