The liter of extra virgin olive oil more than 4 euros at source and less than 3 in the supermarket

The liter of extra virgin olive oil more than 4 euros at source and less than 3 in the supermarket

Experts advanced it and now confirms it Facua – Consumers in Action: he Price of extra virgin olive oil in origin more than 4 euros And in supermarkets, on the contrary, the discount is 3 euros. In this way, the liter of extra virgin olive oil (aove) is average pay to 9.79 euros in feed stores. A amount that many try to dodge by launching great offers and promotions for which less than 5 euros are paid.

The price they are paying Spanish farmersaccording to the latest data published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Luis Planas, has fallen 50.6%. This translates into about 4.15 euros before taxes. Now, in the supermarket, the PUBLIC SALE PRICE (PVP) of extra virgin olive oil only lowers 3.09 euros on average (2.97 euros if taken into account before taxes), which represents 24%.

This first week of the month of January (from 6 to 12) the liter of Aove, to 4.07 euros was being paid. This amount attracts attention when compared to what was paid for the same product a year ago. Then, in 2024, the liter was paid at 8.24 euros. The year -on -year descent It has been 50.6%.

Lower the price of AVE in supermarkets

Facua has analyzed the price of olive oil in approximately 30 supermarkets dependent on the distribution chains of Mercadona, Dia, Hipercor – El Corte Inglés, Alcampo, Eroski or Carrefour. This study has been carried out on January 24 and covers the best -selling brands such as Coosur, Hojiblanca, Carbonell, Jaencoop, Oleoetepa or Ybarrain addition to white brands: landowner, Carrefour or Eroski.

The average price of the liter of extra virgin olive oil in these supermarkets was 12.88 euros, and if compared to the data of 2024 a decrease of 24%is seen.

Taking into account other points of sale, it should be noted that the liter of extra virgin olive oil costs 3 euros less than a year ago (it goes from 12.88 euros to 9.79 euros in 2025) and in origin it is paid to the farmer 4.17 euros less for each liter it produces (8.24 euros in January 2024 to 4.07 in January 2025).

Research to check if the big chains increased their benefits

He Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 It is about notice of a complaint made by Facua in which they were urged to verify whether the large distribution chains obtained benefits increasing their margins despite being prohibited by law.

In this sense, the government has recalled that it is “necessary to meet these complaints” so that they can check if the rules have been violated.