The investment activity of Polish companies is growing

The investment activity of Polish companies is growing

November is the third month in a row in which an increase in the investment activity of enterprises in Poland was recorded.

The Monthly Business Climate Index (MIK) in November 2023, which measures the sentiment of Polish companies, showed an increase in the indicator concerning investment activity. The result of 95.4 points is also the best in a year and a half.

MIK is run by the Polish Economic Institute and the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and consists of seven elements, and investments are one of them. The November result for investments is better than a month ago, but it still remains below the neutral level of 100 points, which means that there are still more non-investing companies in Poland than investing ones. In November, 43% of surveyed companies declared investment outlays.

Large companies are the most active in investing. In November, as many as 81 percent declared that they had made investments in the last three months. such companies, which is the highest value since the beginning of measurements, i.e. since January 2021. The next place was taken by medium-sized companies, almost half of which (47%) incurred investment expenses. The least active in investing were small (40%) and micro (34%) companies.

– wrote in the PIE Economic Weekly.

Investment activity is the highest in the service industry, where 49 percent companies declared expenditure in this respect. The next places were taken by manufacturing companies (44%), construction companies (44%), and companies dealing with transport, forwarding and logistics (43%). Trading enterprises were the least active in terms of investment, with every third company taking action in this area.

PIE indicates that the greater propensity of Polish companies to invest is the result of improving economic indicators in our country. Lower inflation, cheaper fuel and the general recovery of the economy from the hole give entrepreneurs more courage.