The Congress has the rise in pensions by votes against PP and Juns: "In February, 12 million pensioners are agreed"

The Congress has the rise in pensions by votes against PP and Juns: “In February, 12 million pensioners are agreed”

The Congress of Deputieswith 177 votes against and 171 in favor, The Bus Decree has lying on Wednesday that, among other measures, included the rise in pensions. As previously announced, PP, Vox and Juns have voted against, a movement on which the Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, has struggled flatly: “When in February the 12 million pensioners see that their pension has Download, they remember that it has been the Popular Party in the company of others. ”

The rest of the hemicycle has voted in favor of the decree, while UPN has abstained. Not having sufficient support, this royal decree approved by the Government in December is repealed together with all the measures it included, although some are already in force.

This decree, which has been repealed, is the one that contemplated the rise in pensions of 2.8% by 2025without the need for the measure to be approved in the General State Budget (PGE) of 2025. Thanks to this, which had the objective of protecting the purchasing power of around 12 million pensioners, the increase in the pension was of between 500 and 600 euros on average.

He also contemplated a Even greater increase, 6%, for minimum and 9% pensions for non -contributory; as well as an increase of 9% for minimum vital income (IMV). Now, all these climbs remain in the air And it will have to be seen if the government performs and approves a new royal decree only with this measure. In this regard, at the beginning of the session, Junts encouraged the government, in fact, to present a decree only with the revaluation of pensions and transport bonuses.

Other measures that remain repealed When the bus decree is lying down, they are Bonuses to transport, aid by the DANA or the prohibition of the cut of basic supplies and evictions to people of vulnerable groups.

The Government especially holds the PP

Different government personalities have especially responsible for the PP that this decree has not come forward. “Feijóo fills his mouth talking about Valencia, but when he has the opportunity to demonstrate if he supports it after the Dana catastrophe, he turns his back on the Valencians. Nothing cares, everything is worth it. It is a frivolous, ”government sources have pointed out to Europa Press, also ensuring that “They will not leave pensioners thrown”.

The First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has assured that the popular will have to “face” citizens and explain the consequences of their “no”. The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has also manifested in similar terms, denouncing that The PP “between choosing improvements for people’s lives or causing harm, always stays with the second”.

The PP will register a law to “save the rise in pensions”

The Popular Party, in contrast, intends register a law that “protects retirees” and “save the rise in pensions”according to PP sources to Europa Press. When their refusal to the decree, they have accused that this was “a draft and blackmail project” and have criticized the transfer of the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Paris to the PNV, denouncing that it is “a gift” that the government made them “In the form of a palace” and that they did not support.

Along these lines, the popular ones have assured that they will also register texts “to guarantee the measures related to those affected by those in the Valencian Community and for those who receive the minimum vital income.”

Despite this, according to government sources consulted by ‘El País’, Although the revaluation of pensions will vote again in the Congress of Deputies, pensioners will probably notice in the February pension the consequences that the decree has been repealed with its ascent.

The Congress also tombs the energy tax

The Congress of Deputies has also repealed the decree that established a taxes to companies in the energy sector in 2025. The PP, Vox, Junts, the PNV and UPN, as already known, have voted against, while the rest of the Chamber has voted in favor and Canarian coalition has been abstained.

This lien was a rate on the energy companies that had been applied since last year and that managed to raise about 1,100 million euros. It also included bonuses for companies that invested in “essential” activities for ecological transition and decarbonization.