Almost thirty measures of the 80 initiatives contained in the previous standard. This is what the New Omnibus decree agreed between the Government and Junts per Catalunyaafter the non -PP and Juns. All measures included in this package They will go into force this Thursday, January 30. Among them, the Pension revaluationone of the most commented after the rejection in the Congress of the previous Omnibus decree. For example, this measure, once it is approved in the Official State Gazette will be retroactive since January 1, 2025.
In addition, the aid in the price of public transport that would reduce the cost of trains, subway or buses, so that the Government would activate the bonuses and discounts of up to 50% in regional transportation. And other measures such as the new aids for those affected by the tragic Dana of Valencia, which swept cars, homes and infrastructure and caused the death of 220 people, or the Extension of the ‘Antiopas’ shield, the prohibition of supplies cuts for vulnerable peoplethe improvement of the social bonus, the increase in the minimum vital income (IMV) and the prohibition of dismissed by the increase in energy costs.
Keep in mind that these measures will go ahead due to a pact between socialists and Junts independence: All in exchange for a matter of confidence in Congress with which the Catalan party urges the government, and more specifically to Pedro Sánchez, to submit to it. All after the jug of cold water that lived last week with the previous decree buse. But they have little to do a decree with the other: the previous decree had 80 measures, which will be published in the BOE tomorrow only has 29 of them.
Pensions in the Omnibus decree
The revaluation of pensions has achieved its exit forward. In this Royal Decree- Law pensions rise 2.8%. But within pensions, the different ones that exist in our country must be broken down:
- In the case of minimum pensions, a 6% rise will be experienced with respect to the previous one that existed.
- The minimum vital income will also see an increase in figures. Specifically 9%.
- In addition, the maximum pension rises to more than 3,000 euros, specifically 3,267.60 euros per month.
- And those pensioners who are widowed will get a rise every month in their pensions: of 9.1%.
- Pensions known as SOVI, that is, mandatory of old age and disability, are revalued by 6%. These types of pensions are the predecessor of what we know today as social security, but in Spain there are still people who continue to receive it. Now the figures would be 560 euros.
Transportation aids return with this decree
With this new package of measures, bonuses in transport return. Thus, the government will return to Activate aid up to half in the amount in regional transportationin addition to the gratuity in state buses and Renfein some cases, until at least the month of June of this year 2025.
This assumes that, again, the sale of Pays in Avant services with the discounts of up to 50%. But we must remember that in some communities it will be free, such as in Asturias, Cantabria or the Islands.
And bicycle or cyclomotor rental systems, also half in the price. But, attention all this only until June. As of July, regional discounts will be 40%, being 20% of the State and 20% of the aid, half and half communities.
This is the antiopas shield in the decree
Until December 31, 2026, this antiopas shield will be in force, or what is the same, the suspension of the foreign investment liberalization regime, although only in some cases.
These cases are as follows: the direct foreign investments made by those investors residing outside the European Union borders. Here we also have to include those outside the European Free Trade Association, such as the countries of Iceland, Norway or Switzerland.
This is a measure that gives the Executive the action of deciding on foreign investments in those where 10% of the capital is exceeded and in those where the investment exceeds a specific figure: the 500 million euros in the non -listed.