The aid of up to 4,000 euros that you can request for hiring domestic workers: deadline and requirements

The aid of up to 4,000 euros that you can request for hiring domestic workers: deadline and requirements

There are many households that, due to their family situation, have to hire a domestic worker. For all of them, the Community of Madrid has a aid of up to 4,000 euros to subsidize their hiringalthough it can only be requested when these workers have been hired to serve and care for a specific group of people.

These aids, in fact, respond to the program of “incentives for hiring domestic workers for the reconciliation of family and work life” and allow subsidize the labor costs derived from said hires that have been made between January 1 and December 31, 2024“whether it is a contract made during the aforementioned period or prior to it, with a minimum period, even discontinuously, of maintaining the employment relationship and registration with Social Security of 58 calendar days.”

That is, the domestic employee had to be kept hired and registered with Social Security for a minimum of 58 calendar days. Continuing with the requirements, only contracts that have been made with the main objective of meet care needs or care, in the domestic sphere, of any of the following people:

  • Children under 12 years of age or, where applicable, under 18 years of age with disabilitieswhether by nature or adoption or under guardianship or foster care.
  • Other relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, with a disability equal to or greater than 50% or in a situation of dependency.

Another requirement is that the person who owns the family home must, during the eligible period, effectively reside and be registered at the same address as the child or family member for whose care the domestic worker was hired. Said address must be in any municipality of the Community of Madrid.

Amount of aid: how to get up to 4,000 euros

The aid allows you to cover up to 100% of the fees paid to Social Security for hiring the domestic employee (business fee plus the worker’s fee) in the eligible period (2024), once reductions or bonuses have been deducted. , with an increase of 25%.

When can 100% be subsidized? The exact percentage that can be subsidizedwhich is what we will charge for the help, will depend on the family per capita income. Specifically, as explained on the Community of Madrid website, the following percentages will be applied, always taking into account that the maximum amount will be 4,000 euros:

  • Per capita income less than 20,000 euros: 100%.
  • From 20,000 to 29,999 euros: 60%.
  • From 30,000 euros onwards: They will not be able to access the subsidy.
  • In the case of a single-parent family, a percentage of 100% will apply, regardless of the level of family per capita income, as long as it is not equal to or greater than 30,000 euros.

It is important to note that to determine the per capita income, the income of the parents and that of the family member with a disability or dependency situation will be taken into account, if applicable, divided by the number of members that make up the family unit.

Deadline to apply for aid in 2025

The deadline to request this aid in 2025 It will open on February 1 and end on April 30 of this year. When this date arrives, applications can be processed through the Electronic Headquarters of the Community of Madrid, where last year’s call still appears (it will be updated once the application period opens in February).

Finally, it is important to note that, depending on the case, other additional requirements may be added to those mentioned above. To know them, you can consult the 2024 call, where all of them are explained in detail.