The aid of almost 500 euros from the SEPE that you can collect indefinitely if you meet this requirement

The aid of almost 500 euros from the SEPE that you can collect indefinitely if you meet this requirement

He State Public Employment Service (SEPE) is in charge of managing all unemployment benefits and subsidies, which depending on unemployment contributions and the economic and family situation of the unemployed, may last more or less. Among these benefits there are one that can be collected indefinitely until you find a job or reach retirement age. It is a subsidy of 480 euros per monthaimed at unemployed people who, due to their age, face greater difficulties in finding work.

The subsidy for people over 52 years of age is an aid managed by the SEPE aimed at workers aged 52 or over who have exhausted the contributory unemployment benefit (known as “unemployment”) or who, without having been entitled to it, are in unemployment situation and has at least 90 contributions for unemployment, explained by the SEPE. Furthermore, to access this aid, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements, both general and specific, established by the SEPE.

Like other unemployment benefits, this benefit is commonly called “mini-strike”, due to its lower amount compared to the contributory benefit. Likewise, only those unemployed people who lack sufficient income can benefit from this subsidy, according to the limits established by current regulations.

The requirement to collect the indefinite subsidy

To access this benefit it is necessary either to have exhausted the contributory unemployment benefit or, without being entitled to it, to be unemployed, but to have contributed a minimum of 90 days for unemployment. Furthermore, it is necessary that the income or income does not exceed 75% of the SMI. Currently, this figure is 850.50 euros per month.

These are the general requirements, but there are other specific requirements for the aid to be approved. The first is having all the requirements, except the age to access the contributory Social Security retirement pension. That is, you have to have 15 years of contributions throughout your working lifeof which at least two must be within the last 15 years.

On the other hand, of the total years of contributions, at least six years must be unemployment contributions. The SEPE website explains that all employed jobs in the General Social Security Regime, the Special Agrarian System, the Maritime Workers Regime and training contracts contribute to unemployment.

Amounts and duration

The subsidy for people over 52 years of age has a amount equivalent to 80% of the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM) valid every year. Currently, this amount amounts to 480 euros monthly. This benefit is paid in 12 annual payments, so Does not include extraordinary paymentslike the rest of the aid managed by the SEPE.

Furthermore, although with the reform of subsidies regulated in Royal Decree-Law 2/2024, an initial increase of 95% of the IPREM for subsidies will be contemplated, this is not contemplated for the subsidy for those over 52 years of age, so the The amount continues to be maintained at 80% of the IPREM.

The duration of this subsidy extends until the beneficiary finds employment or reaches the ordinary retirement age required to access the contributory pension of the Social Security system, which will depend on the total years of contributions. To maintain the right to the benefit, it is mandatory to submit an annual income statement that certifies compliance with the established income limit.

The interesting thing about this benefit is that it is the only subsidy that contributes to the pension, hence the requirements are higher than the rest of SEPE aid. Specifically, it is quoted for 125% of the minimum contribution limit in force at any given time, which right now is 1,653.75 euros per month.

The subsidy for people over 52 years of age can be requested in person, by appointment at the SEPE offices, or through the Internet, using the SEPE Electronic Office. Another option is to make the request using the pre-application form, enabled on the official SEPE platform.