Social Security aid of 1,500 euros per month that you can collect indefinitely if you meet this requirement

Social Security aid of 1,500 euros per month that you can collect indefinitely if you meet this requirement

He Minimum Vital Income (IMV)is the economic benefit designed to prevent the risk of poverty and social exclusion in those households that lack basic resources. In 2025, this aid has increased by 9%, in the same way as non-contributory retirement and disability pensions. Thus, families with several members can receive a aid of up to 1,500 euros per month indefinitely, as long as they meet certain requirements.

You must know that the amount of the Minimum Living Income is not a fixed assigned amount. In other words, It is a complementary benefit to the applicant’s income. That is, it is the difference between the amount assigned by Social Security and the income of the applicant or cohabitation unit.

For Maintaining the Minimum Living Income is necessary to continue in a situation of economic vulnerability and fulfill certain obligations. For example, one of these is to participate in plans aimed at job search, with the aim of reducing dependence on this benefit.

Regarding the requirements to collect the IMV, Social Security requires having legal and effective residence in Spain continuously for at least one year, having an income and assets below the established thresholds, and that the cohabitation unit is formed for at least six months. In addition, the owner must be at least 23 years old, with exceptions, and not be a director of a commercial company. There are also additional requirements and exceptions that apply in specific cases.

Amounts of the Minimum Vital Income for 2025

In 2025, the Minimum Living Income amounts range from 677.05 euros per month for coexistence units made up of one adult, up to 1,489.47 euros per month for units with more than two adults and several minors. In the following table you can consult the amounts according to the composition of the cohabitation unit.

Cohabitation unit Monthly amount Annual amount
1 adult €658.59 €7,903.07
1 adult and 1 minor €733.85 €10,274.08
1 adult and 2 minors €903.21 €12,644.96
1 adult and 3 minors €1,251.33 €15,015.97
1 adult and more than 3 minors €1,448.90 €17,386.85
2 adults €856.17 €10,274.08
2 adults and 1 minor €903.21 €12,644.96
2 adults and 2 minors €1,251.33 €15,015.97
2 adults and more than 2 minors €1,448.90 €17,386.85
3 adults €903.21 €12,644.96
3 adults and 1 minor €1,251.33 €15,015.97
3 adults and more than 2 minors €1,448.90 €17,386.85
4 adults €1,251.33 €15,015.97
4 adults and 1 minor €1,448.90 €17,386.85
Other cases €1,448.90 €17,386.85

The cohabitation unit for Social Security is the one that is made up of all the people who live at the same address and are united by ties of kinship, marriage, de facto couple or legal relationships such as adoption, custody for the purposes of adoption or foster care. permanent family member. People in specific situations, such as victims of gender violence, separations or divorces, evictions or cases of force majeure, can also be considered independent coexistence units.

Obligations of the recipient of Minimum Vital Income

In addition to meeting the requirements to access this benefit, beneficiaries of the Minimum Living Income are subject to a series of obligations, which, according to Social Security, amount to eight. In this sense, if you are one of the beneficiaries, these are the obligations so as not to lose the benefit:

  • Facilitate documentation and information necessary to prove the requirements, preserve the right to the benefit and guarantee the correct receipt of notifications and communications.
  • Notify any change or situation that may imply a modification, suspension or termination of the benefit, within a period of thirty calendar days from when they occur.
  • Report any change of address or alteration in the municipal Register that affects the owner or any member of the coexistence unit, also within a period of thirty calendar days from its occurrence.
  • Return benefits that have been received improperly.
  • Inform the INSS, in advance, of any trip abroadwhether of the owner or the members of the cohabitation unit, when it exceeds ninety calendar days, continuous or not, within the same calendar year.
  • Submit the declaration annually corresponding to the Personal Income Tax (the IRPPF).
  • In case of making the provision of the minimum vital income compatible with income from work or economic activities, comply with the conditions stipulated for its access and maintenance.
  • Participate in the inclusion strategies promoted by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

How to request the Minimum Vital Income

The Minimum Vital Income can be requested in person at the Social Security offices or online. If you have an electronic certificate or Cl@ve, the request can be made through the Electronic Office.

If these authentication methods are not available, it is also possible to request it by filling out a form enabled by Social Security (accessible at this link). In addition, it will be necessary to attach a selfie photo and provide an email address.