Jordi Martret: ¿Qué Hacer en Bolsa en 2025? Mantener, Vender o Diversificar .

Jordi Martret: What to do in the stock market in 2025? Maintain, sell or diversify.

Jordi Martret, Investment Director of Norz Patrimonia is interviewed in the Economic Republic Channel by Josean Paunero to deepen the most relevant investment strategies for 2025. Jordi shares his vision on key topics such as: Bitcoin and his institutionalization: Is it a Active refuge or simply one more financial asset? Alcist markets and their historical characteristics: should we sell or maintain our stock market positions? The impact of artificial intelligence and technological innovations: are we at the beginning of a mega trend? The performance of funds managed by NORZ Patrimonia: how they have exceeded expectations with a quality and value strategy. In addition, we approach the key differences between the markets of Europe and the United States, the prospects on the dollar and the euro, and how geopolitical risks could influence markets. Jordi gives us his unique analysis, backed by graphics and key data.
We invite you to see this interesting interview