He subsidy for those over 52 years of age It is an aid from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) that is collected indefinitely until a job is found or the ordinary retirement age is reached. Furthermore, it is the only one that contributes to the future pension for 125% of the minimum base in force each year (currently it is 1,653.75 euros per month). That is why it is one of the most beneficial aids for the unemployed.
Now, has it benefited in the same way as the rest of the SEPE subsidies? It must be remembered that, due to the unemployment benefit reform, these assistance benefits have been reformed and one of the changes is an increase in the amounts.
This increase came into effect on January 1 and, thanks to it, during the first 6 months 95% of the Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM) is received, equivalent to 570 euros per month according to the current value; during the next 6 months, 90% (540 euros); and, starting this year, the amount would drop to 80% of the IPREM (480 euros), which is what has been received until now in all cases. But, regarding this increase, does it also apply to the subsidy for those over 52 years of age? And, if not, will it rise in 2025?
Subsidy amount for people over 52 years of age in 2025
The amount of the subsidy for people over 52 years of age will not change in 2025. That is, it will not rise. This point of the subsidy reform does not apply to this helpso its perceivers They will continue to charge 80% of the IPREM as beforewhich is equivalent to 480 euros per month. The only way this amount can increase is for the IPREM to be increased, although this will not be known until the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2025 are approved and published.
Currently, the IPREM is located at 600 euros. For this reason, the current amount of the subsidy for those over 52 years of age is equivalent to 480 euros (which is what 80% of said amount is equivalent to). Thus, if, for example, the IPREM were raised to 700 euros in 2025, something that is not confirmed and will be revealed in the PGE, this subsidy could rise to 560 euros per month. Although, as has been said, for the moment it is set at 480 euros.
Yes, there are other developments that affect the subsidy.
Returning to the unemployment benefit reform, there is a novelty that affects the subsidy for those over 52 years of age. Until now, the SEPE obliged all its beneficiaries to present the Annual Income Declaration. Otherwise, they could lose aid.
Now, These must also submit the Income Tax returnregardless of your income level or assets. That is, they will be required to file Personal Income Tax (IRPF) if they receive this aid. If they don’t, they could also lose the subsidy.
Another important novelty is that the subsidy can be made compatible with employmentalthough this will not come into force until April 2025. Specifically, in that month the employment support complement (CAE) will come into force, which will make it possible to make the subsidy compatible with both part-time and full-time work, during a maximum period of 180 days (exceeding this period of 180 days, the subsidy would be suspended). This supplement will decrease over time and, in this SEPE link, you can check how its amount will vary.