How many years must be quoted to retire in 2025 and to collect 100% of the pension

How many years must be quoted to retire in 2025 and to collect 100% of the pension

In 2025, although the retirement age changes, the social security pension calculation method does not change, as well as the requirements and years to be quoted to retire or to collect 100% of the pension. To retire In 2025, at least 15 years quoted are necessary to retireof which at least two must be within the last fifteen years prior to the causative fact and be in high or high assimilated situation in Social Security, in any of its regimes.

Social Security considers ‘causative fact’ the end of your work activity if you were working and have passed up to three months since you left your job. It also refers to the moment you request retirement after more than three months have elapsed since you finished working.

In addition, to comply with the Ordinary retirement agethat has changed this year. In 2025, the legal age of ordinary retirement is 66 years and 8 months In case of having less than 38 years and 3 months quoted. Instead, those who have those 38 years and 3 months or more contribution can retire with 65 years.

Years of contribution necessary to collect 100% of the pension

With 15 years quoted, you are entitled to 50 % of the regulatory base. The regulatory base is the result of adding the contribution bases of the last 25 years (300 months) and dividing the result by 350. From there, how many more months we have quoted, the greater the percentage of the regulatory base to which You have the right, following these percentages:

  • For each additional month of the next 49 months, an extra 0.21 % of the regulatory base will be added.
  • For each additional month until month 209, an extra 0.19 % of the regulatory base will be added.

So, to have 100 % of the pension, it will be necessary to have quoted at least 36 years and 6 months throughout working life. These percentages will be valid for 2025 and 2026, but it must be taken into account that in 2027 they will change again, as regulated by Law 27/2011 in its first twentieth transitory provision, being necessary 37 years quoted.

Now we must not confuse 100 % of the pension with the maximum pension. The maximum pension refers to the maximum amount that can be received, either by charging a single pension or several simultaneously. On the other hand, 100 % of the pension corresponds to the maximum based on the regulatory base.

What happens if I do not reach 15 years of contribution?

In the case of having contributed less than 15 years to Social Security, there will be no right to the retirement tax pension, but the non -contributing pension of retirement, provided that there is at least 65 years of age and demonstrates a lack of income. This benefit has a amount that ranges between 141.18 euros and 564.70 euros, depending on the income and members who conform to the coexistence unit.