Housing hopes to approve the 100% personal income tax bonus for owners who rent in stressed areas and reduce the price

Housing hopes to approve the 100% personal income tax bonus for owners who rent in stressed areas and reduce the price

He Ministry of Housing trust that at least any of the twelve measures announced by Sánchez get ahead. The person in charge of the portfolio, Isabel Rodriguez He assured this morning, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers, that he considers it “difficult” to oppose all the measures. Specifically, he pointed out the reduction in personal income tax: “If we are saying that in Spain there is a price problem in the rental market and that housing needs to be mobilized, and that, to do so, the president has said that he is willing that 100% of these rental incomes can be subsidized so that the price for tenants is reduced, who says no?”, he said.

This was stated by the minister after being asked whether the Government will have the necessary support in Congress to approve any of the measures announced yesterday by the president in order to increase the supply of affordable rental housing. According to Executive sources consulted by Europa Press, you need the Parliament’s approval on 5 of the 12 proposals presented.

“We will talk to the political groups. First we are going to specify exactly the text of these measures to be registered in Parliament,” the minister explained. “I do not hide the complexity of the matter, and even that there may be ideological differences that, of course, have to be explained by the different political and parliamentary groups to the citizens,” she added. .

The measures “will be effective”

Rodríguez insisted that, from the Government, they are aware that agreements are needed in Parliament and they will present these proposals “with the confidence” that they will obtain them, for which he asked the political formations for “responsibility.”

Likewise, he stressed that the package of measures is “solvent” and demonstrates the “leadership” of the Government in this matter. “They are going to be effective, not only for the construction of this affordable housing stock, which will allow us to have them in a few years, when we finish building them, but also, at this moment, to intervene and condition market prices from the public action,” he highlighted.

Officially protected housing may be sold after the protection period

During the press conference, the minister also stated that the officially protected housing that is promoted through the new public company may be sold once the stipulated protection period ends. However, he added, the sale will be carried out “under the same conditions” in which they were acquired.

To illustrate this, he gave as an example the Operation Madrid Camp. “If an owner, thanks to the efforts of all of us, had the right to access a home with protected housing conditions, if tomorrow his life goes better and he can access a home on the free market or needs to change location, he will be able sell his home, but under the conditions of protected housing and to people who, like him, needed that protection from the public,” he stressed.

A portal to manage public company housing

In the Council of Ministers, Rodríguez also announced that, in the next six months, the Government will incorporate the new state housing company public assets announced. In addition, they will develop a strategic plan for this and create a management portal so that citizens can access the demand for said homes.