Good news for these Madrid residents: they will be able to receive help of up to 700 euros

Good news for these Madrid residents: they will be able to receive help of up to 700 euros

With inflation the cost of living rises and more and more families are having problems making ends meet. This is aggravated in large cities where the price of housing also means that fewer resources can be allocated to other day-to-day expenses. For the latter, the City Council of Madrid has aid available aimed at individuals and families whose purpose is to cover the basic needs of food, cleaning and hygiene, and transportation services.

This is the ‘Family Card’, a wallet card that will cover a maximum of 90% of the cost of the service which is subsidized, and the rest must be contributed by the beneficiary, except in emergency situations or especially serious situations, as reported on the City Council’s own website.

The financial aid to be received will vary depending on the monthly per capita income and the assessment criteria established by the Ordinance of Economic Benefits of the Public System of Social Services of the Madrid City Council. but they can reach almost 700 euros.

Requirements to collect this aid from the Madrid City Council

The requirements to be able to access these financial aid of the Family Card are the following:

  • Be of legal age or an emancipated minor.
  • Registration in the district where the application is submitted (for applications to be processed by the Government Area of ​​Equity, Social Rights and Employment, registration in the municipality of Madrid).
  • Accredit the situation of need.
  • Provide the documentation required in each case.
  • Express acceptance, by the person, of the conditions that appear in the social intervention design.
  • That the need that is the object of the help is assessed by the social worker of a Social Services Center and integrated into a social intervention process.

It will also be necessary to comply with a lincome limit In order to receive aid, which will vary depending on the members that make up the family unit:

  • 1 person: limit of 657,482 euros.
  • 2 people: adds 164,472 euros per person.
  • 3 people and more: adds 105,154 euros per person.
  • Maximum income limit: 1,512.00 euros.

Amount of aid from the Family Card of the Madrid City Council

The amount of aid to be received will be determined by the family’s monthly per capita income (RMPC), according to information published by the Madrid City Council, these will be the amounts to be received:

Number of members of the family unit

Monthly per capita family income equal to or less than €75.11/month

Monthly per capita family income more than €75.11/month

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



6 people or more



How to request help

The request for this Wallet Card can be done in several ways:

  • On-line: Making the request through the ‘Electronic Registration’ link available in ‘Process online’ (requires identification and electronic signature).
  • In person: going to the corresponding municipal registry or by any of the means provided for in article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.