Good news about the subsidy for over 52 years: it will quote more for the pension and receive the arrears

Good news about the subsidy for over 52 years: it will quote more for the pension and receive the arrears

The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, led by the Second Vice President Yolanda Díaz, has just reached an agreement with the CCOO and UGT unions for the Up of the new interprofessional minimum salary (SMI) at 1,184 euros In fourteen payments, that is, a Annual salary of 16,576 euros. This increase, in addition to benefiting 2.3 million workers who charge the minimum wage, also It will benefit the unemployed who perceive the subsidy for over 52 years.

The subsidy for unemployed over 52 years, in addition to being the only subsidy that is charged indefinitely, quotes for the retirement tax pension. Specifically, it does so for 125% of the minimum contribution base, which is currently at 1,653.75 euros per month.

The minimum contribution bases are linked to the minimum interprofessional salary. So, When the SMI rises, the minimum contribution base also increases, which directly affects the contributions provided to the subsidy for over 52 years. This is reflected in the Royal Decree-Law 1/2025which establishes that the minimum price base by 2025 will increase automatically by the same percentage as the SMI, increased by a sixth. That is, if the approved increase is 1,184 euros, the Minimum contribution base will be set at 1,381.33 euros.

How to quote the subsidy for over 52 years in 2025

He Subsidy for older than 52 years lies 125% of the minimum base in force each year. By the year 2025, when the new SMI is approved, the minimum established base would be 1,381.33 euros per month. Taking into account that the subsidy for over 52 years will contribute to 125%, it will result in a Quotation base of 1,726.66 euros per month.

In addition to this increase, the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) must pay the arrears in these contributions with effect from January 1like the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI). This does not imply that money is received directly, but that the SEPE will pay the difference from social security contributions. In this way, the future retirement pension will be benefited, since in the current calculation method the last 300 contribution bases (equivalent to 25 years) are considered. Therefore, to the highest contribution base, the greater the amount of the pension.

The quotes, like wages, correspond to the payer, which in this case is the SEPE. These will remain throughout the period of collection of aid, which is important because the unemployed workers will guarantee their price in recent years prior to retirement.

Even so, and although everything indicates that the Government of Spain will increase the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI), it is still pending that this agreement is approved in the Council of Ministers. Although the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has assured that they will do so with “imminent character.”