Gonzalo Bernardos points out the mistakes of the PSOE in terms of housing: one of them is leaving it “in the hands of Podemos and Sumar”

Gonzalo Bernardos points out the mistakes of the PSOE in terms of housing: one of them is leaving it “in the hands of Podemos and Sumar”

Housing is one of the problems that most worries Spaniards currently, high prices make it difficult for young people and families to access a home, and it is common for experts to discuss the issue in debates and social networks. One of them is the economics professor and expert in the real estate sector Gonzalo Bernardos, who is clear about some of the Government’s current housing problems. Among them, the economist highlights that One of the PSOE’s mistakes is having left housing in the hands of Podemos and Sumar.

On other occasions he has been very critical of the Government in this matter, specifically with the Minister of Housing Isabel Rodríguez, going so far as to affirm that “the minister knows nothing.” And on this occasion he does not miss the opportunity to highlight what the PSOE’s main errors with housing have been.

The main problems of the PSOE in terms of housing

Through his account on the social network errors that the PSOE has made in housing matters.

In addition to blaming Podemos and Sumar, the economics professor others 4 aspects:

  • It hasn’t been a priority.
  • The rental offer reduction.
  • The creation of false culprits.
  • Lots of propaganda, few realities.

After pointing out these errors that he considers to be the ones committed, he explains that It will be up to the Government to rectify and make modifications if you want to obtain improvements in the housing market.

What is the solution to the housing problem?

Every problem has a solution, and on other occasions the economist has given his opinion on how he believes the housing crisis in Spain can be fixed. For Gonzalo Bernardos it is clear, but The consequence of carrying it out is that it “takes away votes.”

The lack of housing and consequently the high prices derived from this shortage of supply, would be solved by building more homes and to do so it ensures that given the housing shortage, we must trust the private sector to do so, something that ensures that it is a very unpopular measure