GDP in Spain grows 3.2% in 2024, with a 0.8% rise in the fourth quarter

GDP in Spain grows 3.2% in 2024, with a 0.8% rise in the fourth quarter

He National Statistics Institute (INE) confirms what the Government of Pedro Sánchez has been affirming for a long time. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) re -throws positive numbers for the Spanish economy and closes the year 2024 with a 3.2%rise. In this way, the provisions of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Company, of Carlos Corpora, who indicated that the national economy would grow 0.8% in the fourth quarter of 2024.

This Annual growth of 3.2% It assumes that the Spanish economy has already chained four years of advances. The government foresaw an increase of 2.7% at the beginning of the year but body already warned that this amount was low and that in the end it would exceed 3%. National demand has pushed these good data, since it adds 2.8 points to the economic growth of 2024.

This data exceeds 1.1 points to last year, while external demand provides four tenths, six less than in 2023. The value at current GDP prices, according to the INE, by 2024 It stays at 1,593,136 million euros, 6.3% more than in 2023.

“Spain leads the growth of the euro zone”

The Minister of Economy, Carlos bodyit has not taken a first assessment of GDP data. In a statement sent to the media, it emphasizes that “Spain continues to lead growth in the euro zone, with an increase in GDP that is four times higher than the Eurozone.”

These data are a good sign of the “strength and balanced growth of the Spanish economy, which are corroborated day by day by the main national and international organizations.”

GDP grows 3.5% in the fourth quarter

On the growth of GDP in the last quarter of 2024, the INE highlights an interannual increase of 3.5%, the same as in the third quarter thanks to national demand, because the external “had a contribution close to zero,” he says Statistics.

The progress of GDP between the months of October and December was 0.8%, with 1.2 points from national demand and the external sector, 0.4 tenths.

Households have consumed 1% in the fourth quarter of last year, with two tenths less, and public spending moderates their growth 2.1 points up to 0.4%. The investment has risen 3.4% contrasting with the 1.4% drop in the previous quarter.