Finance will forgive all debts to taxpayers who do not exceed these two amounts

Finance will forgive all debts to taxpayers who do not exceed these two amounts

Most Spaniards, at some point in their lives as taxpayers, have contracted some Debt with the Treasury. From errors in the presentation of the income statement to sanctions for debts acquired involuntarily, the amounts of the amounts can be very varied from the few cents to the thousands of euros. The Tax Agency has the obligation to raise these amounts, but it will not always be so, since in certain cases and under certain circumstances circumstances Finance can forgive debts to taxpayers without fear of receiving a fine or sanction by the Tax Agency.

Specifically hacienda you can forgive debts that are below 3 euros or higher 10,000 euros Through the second chance law, the latter as long as certain requirements are met.

When amounts are lower than three euros

Finance will not charge debts that are lower than three euros and they will be forgiven. This standard is regulated in the resolution of November 10, 2022, which can be consulted in this Official State Gazette. Of course, it will affect debts that have a date prior to June 1, 2022.

Resolution November 10, 2022 | Photo: BOE

This condonation is like that, since for the Tax Agency administrative spending to recover those amounts below three euros does not compensate, that is, the benefit to be obtained for such collection is more compensated. Thus, if a taxpayer has a debt less than three euros, he must not pay it, but it does exceed four euros, then. Moreover, if not paid in a timely manner, the Tax Agency may claim, in addition to the amount, interest interest or sanctions.

Debts that exceed 10,000 euros

Another of the situations for which Finance can forgive a debt is when they exceed 10,000 eurosalways through the Law of the second chance (LSO)regulated in the Law 25/2015available for consultation in the Official State Gazette. This national law with the aim of helping those people with debts that could not face payments and were increasingly generating a greater debt, which implied that that could have that “a second chance.” This law comes to legislate that and as any rule, it is necessary to explain some requirements to access it, being the following: being: being: being: being:

  • Be a legal resident in Spain.
  • Have at least two debts with different creditors.
  • Do not have sufficient economic capacity to cover debts.
  • Not having been convicted of socioeconomic crimes.

Although the law of the second chance allows forgive debts, in the case of public administrations these have a limit that are 10,000 euros for each administration. This ceiling was introduced with the regulations of 2022, making more limiting, since until then there was no limit, that is, any type of public debt could be condemned regardless of the amount owed.

Contributing a debt also entailed other damages such as registration in the list of delinquents or the embargo of goods and accounts, among the other. With the new law this is paralyzed, since as we have said the object, this is to give a second chance. This benefit allows, for example, accessing a loan or being able to request any provision to the administration, which can help you improve your economic situation and start over.