Finance returns thousands of euros to pensioners who appear in this list

Finance returns thousands of euros to pensioners who appear in this list

He Supreme Court ruled that the Tax Agency had made a mistake for which the Tax Agency (AEAT) applied incorrect contributions to thousands of retireesthat is, they quoted more than they owed. Finance began last year to return the amounts charged improperly, but now the procedure that was carrying out has changed, so Now it will not be charged suddenly.

To understand it better, until 2024, those affected by these Cotizations unduly had to fill in a simple form at the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency And after checking the data, the Treasury made the return in a single payment. But now and as explained by the website of the Tax Agency, the applications submitted and not resolved before December 22, 2024 will be without effect. This does not mean that you can no longer claim, but now lAs returns must be done annuallythat is, year after year during the deadlines planned for the Presentation of the Declaration of the IRPF.

The page enabled by the Tax Agency | Photo: AEAT

This right to return in IRPF has its origin in an administrative error that affected retirees who quoted labor mutualities before the creation of social security in the 1960s. Although the Returns could reach 4,000 eurosonly non -prescribed tax periods can be claimed. According to article 66 of Law 58/2003, available for consultation in the Official State Gazette, the Deadline for claiming prescribes at four years. Therefore, the tax exercises of 2021 and 2022 can be claimed.

Returns mainly affect pensioners who, at the time, quoted labor mutualities of sectors such as banking, fishing, construction and shipyards. These workers had the right to tax reductions in their 100 % tax base until December 31, 1966 and 25 % between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1978. However, an administrative error caused them to apply a full price of 100 % in both periods, generating an excess of price that now the Treasury must return.

Among the most benefited by the Supreme Court’s judgment are retirees who quoted the labor mutual. The sentence recognizes its right to be compensated and forces the Treasury to regularize the amounts charged with more, with the requirement to complete the returns before the end of the year.

How to request the return

From 2025, IRPF returns must be made annually through the web income application, available at the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency. The corresponding forms will only be accessible during the voluntary period for submitting the IRPF statement. The calendar established for applications is as follows:

  • 2025: The returns of the fiscal year of 2019 and the previous periods that have not prescribed can be claimed.
  • 2026: Returns corresponding to the 2020 IRPF will be enabled.
  • 2027: Only returns from exercise 2021 may be requested.
  • 2028: Returns of the IRPF of 2022 will be managed.

To submit the application, mutualists must access the electronic headquarters and Complete the corresponding form within the voluntary period of the IRPF. To complete the application, it is necessary to identify with CL@ve pin, digital certificate, electronic ID or the reference number of the declaration of the previous year. Although, in principle, it will not be necessary to provide documentation, it is possible that the Treasury may require it in the future. The status of the application can be consulted in the electronic headquarters.

Although the new requests can generate a certain delay, the mutualists must be calm, since the applications submitted before 22 paralyze their period of prescription, which guarantees that the returns.

In addition, in the event that the Treasury does not comply with said period, those affected will have the right to claim interest interests. These are calculated at 4,0625 percent per year by 2025 and are applied from the date of submission of the rectification application, adjusting proportionally to the time elapsed if the return is carried out in less than 12 months.

What pensioners can request return?

Returns mainly affect pensioners who, at the time, quoted labor mutualities of sectors such as banking, fishing, construction and shipyards. These workers had the right to fiscal reductions in their tax base: 100 % to December 31, 1966 and 25 % between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1978. However, an administrative error caused it to be will apply a full price of 100 % in both periods, generating an excess of price that now the Treasury must return.

Among the most benefited by the Supreme Court Judgment They are the retirees who quoted the mutual work of the bank. The sentence recognizes its right to be compensated and forces the Treasury to regularize the amounts charged with more, with the requirement to complete the returns before the end of the year.