Caixabank has led the mortgage market in 2024: more and more customers choose it

Caixabank has led the mortgage market in 2024: more and more customers choose it

Caixabank has granted more than 14,000 million euros in mortgage loans During the year 2024. This figure undoubtedly supposes a growth greater than 50% compared to the previous year, leading the market with a 25.6% share. It must also be taken into account that the entity is one of the banks attached to the ICO Avales Agreement for the purchase of the first home.

The well -known financial entity has a Innovative mortgage proposal and a highly specialized equipment, offering each client a personalized mortgage solution adapted to their needs. Despite this, it must be taken into account that to access a mortgage, some requirements must be met, among them as a general rule to have savings to give the entrance of the house, and this the minimum required by CaixaBank.

In addition, a financial services platform is available, especially aimed at young people, imagin. But not true is that in terms of mortgages Nor do you forget the older ones, since it has one of the highest age limits to grant them. Caixabank mortgages may be paying quotas up to 80 years.

CaixaBank mortgages granted in 2024

Of the mortgages granted by the financial entity during the year 2024, almost 80% of them have been at a fixed interest rate, A trend that has remained in recent months despite the decrease in interest rates. This responds to the fact that this entity has as a commercial priority this type of mortgages given its simplicity, transparency and protection against different types of type.

These fixed mortgages are within the so -called “casafácil” product and the “imagin mortgage”, During the first month and throughout the life of the credit, customers know how much they will pay for a fee for their mortgage. In addition, they are very advantageous, since it is possible to opt for a mortgage up to 30 years, with a financing of between 80% and 90%, according to the client’s profile, with the expenses included and bonus options.

As reflected in its 2025-2027 strategic plan, aims to continue leading the mortgage market in the coming years, maintaining the level of quota above 25% and to continue growing throughout its complementary catalog of products and services of the home ecosystem.