Artificial intelligence can save the Government almost 850 million euros a year in unemployment benefits

Artificial intelligence can save the Government almost 850 million euros a year in unemployment benefits

The artificial intelligence (AI) It is here to stay and promises to transform various areas of our society. It not only represents a valuable tool for workers and students, but also for the Government of Spain. He estimates that they could save 849 million euros a year in unemployment benefitsor thanks to it, according to the data from the report “HispanIA: how artificial intelligence will improve our future”, prepared by the Presidency of the Government and the National Foresight and Strategy Office.

This report collected by Europa Press details how the integration of AI-based systems in career guidance services can optimize insertion processes in the labor market. In this way, and by applying the technologies provided by artificial intelligence, personalized recommendations could be offered to job seekers, including information on available vacancies, the number of applicants per position and job alternatives.

The study estimates that employability could be increased between 3% and 5%. YoIncluding this advance in the National Employment System (SNE) would mean a notable change in its efficiency. According to the report, the number of placements would improve between 78,700 and 131,000 positions.

Artificial intelligence will also allow the unemployed to find work faster

According to the Government report, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence would not only mean savings and improve job placement, but also would directly influence the time it takes for unemployed people to find a job. This would be reduced, which would therefore mean savings in public spending.

The data reflect that the savings by multiplying the average time spent unemployed by the number of beneficiaries of benefits and the average of this aid, which in 2023 reached 1,518 euros per month, would be 849 million euros per year.

This is crucial data, since during 2023 spending on unemployment benefits grew by 6.4%, reaching 22,130.6 million euros, according to data from the Ministry of Labor. Therefore, the application of AI not only would relieve the public coffers, but it could also mean a boost to the modernization of public services and improvement in the quality of life of citizens.