A woman from Badalona talks about housing prices: "I got to pay 1,046 euros from my floor winning 1,100 euros"

A woman from Badalona talks about housing prices: “I got to pay 1,046 euros from my floor winning 1,100 euros”

More than 90% of your salary. This is what this neighbor of the Catalan town of Badalona came to pay in Barcelona. And all for the high prices that reached its mortgage every month. Interest rates went up and Yolanda had to work up to three jobs at the same time to be able to deal with her home: “I worked at home doing jewelry and in two other jobs

Even so, It did not reach the end of the month. There was even a time that the interest rates went up and uploaded that only 50 euros had been clean per month to survive: “I have come to pay mortgage up to 1,046 euros. The normal thing is not that price, it is as follows: I earned 1,100 euros” The signature of your mortgage. But she is very clear about the problem: “The problems are not just salaries, they are mortgages and homes. It did not even arrive. If it arrived it was fine. ” Fortunately, he reached an agreement with the bank and with the posterior decrease of the types, now he has a fixed quota in his mortgage every month, but he still has to allocate much of his salary to the house: “Currently, I pay more than 50% of my income”, He clarified.

For most of the population in our country, these housing prices have become a true headache. Some even qualify it as “A SINVIVIR” As much as calculations are made, they are not reached with the numbers. Both with the mortgage and with the rental it has reached totally exorbitant and out of place prices that cause many to have to allocate a good part of their salary in maintaining the expenses of their home with the mortgage.

Housing prices in Spain

In Spain housing prices continue to reach maximums. According to collected figures, in the last quarter of the year the average was around 250,000 euros, specifically 243,300 euros. This shows an increase of 14% compared to the previous year: “While in 2023 it was usual Search for perfect housing. ” This has been defined by the president of Trioteca, the digital platform of the mortgage.

And in the value of the mortgages the following occurs: the annual average is around 123.00 euros. If we compare with the previous year, 2023, the average was at 155.00 euros, which is a decrease of more than 30,000 euros.

What do experts about housing think

Economist Gonzalo Bernardos is clear and he said: Housing prices will continue to upload this 2025. But in 2026 history could change. According to Bernardos, next year it could be good for those who want a new home: “It will be a good period in terms of the mortgage market.”

The economist himself is sharp on this issue: “With more attractive interest rates and more sale at a greater amount, there will be an upcoming ‘real estate boom’ in 2025, but it will not be in the form of a bubble, as we know it so far” .