A priest leaves 300,000 euros in inheritance to an association to fix the Church that has not received a cent: the diocese transferred the money to one of its accounts

A priest leaves 300,000 euros in inheritance to an association to fix the Church that has not received a cent: the diocese transferred the money to one of its accounts

Making a will in life is the most common, especially in cases that there is no offspring to leave as legal heirs and you want to distribute the inheritance in a concrete way. This has been the case of A priest, which was established in this document that wanted the 300,000 euros that were worth his home to be allocated to an association to finance the reform of the Church in which he worked, and that more than 8 years after the death of the pastor has not seen a single euro yet.

According to the information that has been made in the French environment ‘Franceinfo’ after the death of the prie She was never informed that she had been appointed beneficiary of the inheritance, And he ended up knowing with chance.

The association, which was created to save and maintain the Church, has not received the money that the priest had left them in inheritance in order to reform it, and for this reason They are in lawsuit against the diocese and the bishop. This was explained by the president of the Grégoire Maisonneuve association.

The association demands the diocese and the bishop for retaining the 300,000 euros of the cure inheritance

According to the published information, the president of the association ensures that, The diocese did everything possible so that no one knew that they had been appointed beneficiaries of the inheritance And, in 2018, they decided to file a lawsuit against it, after obtaining a copy of the cure testament by court.

The lawsuit was filed against the Bishop of Vannes, the treasurer of the diocese, the Albacea of ​​the Testament, and the notary before which the will was granted by abuse of confidence.

At the time of the trial the defendants did not appear, Only the notary did, that he was already retired, and declared that there was no such abuse of trust, since there was no “embezzlement of a sum that would have been delivered to the diocese precariously” something that ensures it exculpates that the association I have not received the money.

Although the rest of the defendants did not appear at the trial, it was the prosecution itself that requested that they be exculpated, arguing that, according to the French law “there is no criminal law that condemns the breach of a testament in a legacy”, and the demand was denied.

For its part, the diocese maintains, according to a statement issued, that they are the owners of said Church, and the association has not received any order on the other hand of reforming the Church.

But the case is far from finishing, and it is that next February they face a new trial, since after an investigation it has been revealed that the Money from the sale of the house has been transferred to bank accounts of the bishopric.