A man finds a gold mine worth millions of euros after buying a house

A man finds a gold mine worth millions of euros after buying a house

Luck or fortune can smile on anyone at a time when they least expect it. But imagine that you buy a home and it turns out that it hides a fortune inside. Well this is what happened to Anthony Doolin, who discovered a gold mine on his land of 16.5 acres (about 6.5 hectares) without having any idea that a historical treasure was hidden there. As explained to the media realestate.com.aubought the property three years earlier, but was never informed of the mine’s existence.

House where Anthony Doolin found the gold mine

While exploring his new house and land, Doolin came across an opening in the ground that turned out to be a tunnel more than six meters deep. “I almost fell when I stumbled into the entrance. I felt like I was in a scene from Indiana Jones.”, he relates. The tunnel, which preserves its original structure, has its structure reinforced with iron bark, and is part of the many small mines found in that region of Australia.

A mine valued in millions of euros

The mine apparently dates back to the early 20th century, when the area was an important center of mining activity. Doolin investigated and discovered that There are other similar mines in the nearby hills. Despite the discovery, he states that he did not check to see if it contained usable gold, and this discovery remained a historical curiosity instead of an economic resource.

Despite the discovery, Doolin sold his house for $1.35 million Americans (about 1.25 million euros at the exchange rate), the same price he had paid when buying it, that is, it did not make money even though it had a gold mine inside. His mother, Jane Doolin, was the one who helped him sell the house, which, although the property was a good investment considering that the mine would probably contain gold inside, the buyers considered that the fact that it had a mine, It shouldn’t influence the price.