2023 was an exceptionally successful year for those investing in TFIs (investment fund companies) – in some cases it was possible to earn even over 50%.
2023 was a great year for those investing in shares, bonds and raw materials, which was reflected in the results of investment funds – according to a summary prepared by Analizy.pl. The results are the best in several years.
Analizy.pl calculated that last year over 500 out of around 800 domestic funds generated double-digit rates of return. Almost 240 funds generated over 10% rate of return, around 160 funds – over 20%, around 90 funds – over 30%, and almost 20 funds provided over 40% profit. Earnings higher than 50% were provided by 5 domestic investment funds. A little over 40 domestic investment funds were below the line.
The bull market on the WSE actually began in October 2022, but it gained momentum after the parliamentary elections held in Poland in October 2023. The opposition’s victory was well-received by investors, especially foreign ones, who are counting on, among other things, the unblocking of funds from the KPO and the depoliticization of state-owned companies. Low valuations also spoke in favor of the WSE
– emphasized in the study.
On average, the highest rates of return in 2023 were achieved by Polish equity funds (over 35%), for which last year was the best in terms of results since at least 2011. According to experts, low valuations on the WSE are still an argument for investing in the Polish stock market, especially in the first half of 2024.