A businessman with more than 100 tourist apartments is blunt about rents: he will not build homes “for people who are going to blackmail me later”

A businessman with more than 100 tourist apartments is blunt about rents: he will not build homes “for people who are going to blackmail me later”

That housing is one of the focuses of debate in Spain currently is not new, and the fact is that Real estate prices, especially rental prices, are giving a lot to talk about. With the supply of houses and apartments for rent becoming scarce and the proliferation of tourist apartments, finding a rental in Spain is a complicated task and many find it difficult to become independent. However, there are those who go from renting a room to owning a hundred homes that they then rent.

This is the case of Rubén Zaballos, CEO of ‘MContigo’, who explained in a debate on the program ‘The Sixth Explica’ of ‘The Sixth’ as He went from living rented in a room to being a great fork. Although if something has had more impact than the way in which he has prospered in the real estate market, it has been his statements.

In the debate, the CEO clarifies that currently is building a building, which a priori has a license for housing. But after a question from one of the commentators about whether these apartments will be used for tourist rentals, the businessman makes it clear that Maybe they are thinking about changing the license and allocating them to tourists.

He doesn’t want to build homes for people who are going to blackmail him.

The first thing this businessman points out is that When a residential building is going to be built, a large part of the money it costs to do so is taxes.. It was at those moments when the issue in question arose and he commented that with the current market climate, the idea of ​​ending up changing the license for one for tourist housing was raised.

While the talk show host points out that, decisions like that are the ones that are ‘burning people out,’ who cannot access the homes in his neighborhoods to live in because they are intended for tourists, the businessman responds that if they want a private developer to invest in houses and apartments that are rented for long periods of time, they need legal security.

Zaballos adds “Why am I going to risk my assets, to build homes for people who will then blackmail me?” to which the commentator responds indignantly “We don’t want you to build, we want you to get lost.”