A 63 -year -old man wins an award in the lottery that a store refuses to pay him: he will have to leave his home because he has no money to pay the rent

A 63 -year -old man wins an award in the lottery that a store refuses to pay him: he will have to leave his home because he has no money to pay the rent

Winning a prize in the lottery, even if it is little money, can be a great economic relief for those who have a hard time arriving at the end of the month. In these situations having problems when charging it can become frustrating, as already happened to a retiree who, not to collect his prize he had to resort to food banks to eat. And although it is normal for winners to charge their money without problems, the story is repeated and this time a 63 -year -old man who has won a prize of 140 pounds (about 155 euros) is seen Forced to leave the room in which he lives for rent because he does not have money to pay it, since the store in which he has to collect the prize refuses to give him the money by internal politics.

The case of this man has been exposed in the British media ‘The Sun’ in which they explain that, after winning this National Lottery Award, he addressed one of the supermarkets of the Tesco chain, in which this award can be charged , and They refused to pay it.

The man who does not have a fixed job has limited resources and had this money to be able to pay the rent of the room in which he lives, and says that, unable to pay, he will have to leave it. He explains that due to his economic and labor situation “finding alternative accommodation is practically impossible” and that losing your room means “being homeless.”

The supermarket is in his right not to pay him the prize he has won

According to the aforementioned medium, andThis supermarket chain is one of the stores where man could charge his prize, But when he appeared with the award -winning ticket, he was informed that he had indeed won a 140 -pound prize, but that they could not pay it.

To do this They argued that the amount of money was too high, and they could not give so much effective by internal politics. From the operator organized by this lottery award, he explains that lottery retailers (as is the case of Tesco) effectively They are obliged to pay the cash prizes, but only for the amount of 100 pounds (about 120 euros). They may additionally expand this amount until 500 pounds (almost 600 euros), if they consider it appropriate.

In the case of Tesco, the employees explained to man, nor they could pay this amount, and it is something totally legal, since according to the rules they would only be obliged to pay the awards of up to 120 euros.

Despite this, this man is in a delicate situation and is about to lose his home, and stay in the street in full winter, something that would worsen the asthma he suffers. He explains that The prize was a kind of lifeguards to pay the roomsince also in the same week he had suspended the aid, for a reason that he does not know. Regarding the latter, it only indicates that you must present an appeal, something that is complicated, since it has no phone and does not know how to use computers to be able to do it.