Treasury notifies of the new date to submit the Income Tax return in 2025

Treasury notifies of the new date to submit the Income Tax return in 2025

The Treasury has set a date for the Income Campaign to settle the personal income tax and the wealth tax corresponding to the year 2024. Will start next April 2 and will extend to June 30according to the taxpayer calendar that can now be consulted on the Tax Agency website. First, you will have to know whether or not you are required to submit the Income Tax return in 2025, since there are exempt citizens.

Thus, as already indicated, the deadline to submit income tax returns begins on April 2 for those people who do so online through Web Rental or the AEAT mobile application (app). This calendar also establishes that taxpayers who choose to make the tax return by phone They will have to do it starting May 6 and those who want help and need it to be in person You must make an appointment starting June 2.

In any of these cases, June 30 is established as the last day, except in cases in which the result is to be deposited and the taxpayer chooses to domiciliate it. They will have to be delivered by June 25.

Taxpayers who are required to file the declaration

Taxpayer Calendar from the Tax Agency website. | AEAT

In this 2024 income campaign, those taxpayers who have contained earned income of more than 22,000 euros from one payeror 15,876 in the event that they have had two or more payers.

Also those who have been registered as self-employed workers (RETA) or those who have received unemployment benefits, among other cases. This last case was already known once the reform of unemployment benefits became effective, which is regulated by Royal Decree (RD) 2/2024 and which modifies the article 299 of the LGSS (General Social Security Law).