Social Security auctions an apartment with 147 meters, 5 bedrooms and a terrace with a starting price of less than 35,000 euros

Social Security auctions an apartment with 147 meters, 5 bedrooms and a terrace with a starting price of less than 35,000 euros

The problems of finding affordable housing in Spain is one of the current topics of the moment, and not only in the rental market, property purchase prices also reach historical highs. This is why those interested in buying a home must be attentive to the opportunities offered by the market, and one of them is the Social Security auctionswhere you can find houses and apartments like this one that with their 147 meters and 5 bedrooms has a starting price of 34,517.54 euros.

The first thing to keep in mind when buying a Social Security home is that the process is different than if you buy a home from a bank. These also have properties from foreclosures, such as this CaixaBank villa that, with 219 meters and 5 bedrooms, is sold for 34,100 euros.

In the case of these homes seized by the administration, the process is carried out through a bankruptcy auction in which the participants They will have to make a prior deposit to be able to place their bid on the day of the auction. Once the asset is awarded, if the winner is not awarded, the money invested can be recovered (in this link you can consult in detail how bankruptcy auctions work).

This is the home that Social Security has up for auction with a starting price of 34,517.54 euros

This Social Security home is located in the town of Mancha Real in the province of Jaén and is located according to the information published on the first floor of the building.

It has a constructed area of ​​147 meters and is distributed in an entrance hall, living room, dining room, 5 bedrooms, kitchen with pantry, terrace, laundry room and bathroom.

In this case, the 100% freehold of the home, whose appraisal amount is 64,785.59 euros and has total charges of 30,268.05 euros. The teaThe sale rate for the auction is 34,517.54 euros, and it will take place on February 27 at 10:00 a.m.

Considerations to take into account if you want to bid for a Social Security auction

Something very important to keep in mind in addition to how the process works and the requirements to be able to participate, is thatWhat should be taken into account when deciding to bid on a house or apartment.

In this case, not only the characteristics of the property matter, such as its location, size or number of rooms, but you also have to look at the type of right that is being auctioned and the percentage.

On many occasions when you consult the descriptions of the home, you will be able to see which part of the home is being auctioned and It will be necessary to differentiate whether the bare property is sold (only the right of ownership, the usufruct, which is the right of enjoyment, is held by another person) or the full domain. (all housing rights).

In addition to the type of right, another factor to take into account is the percentage that is sold, since sometimes the house belonged to several people and only a part of them has been seized, If you want to buy the whole thing you will have to make sure that it is indicated that it is 100%.

It may happen that the same property is auctioned in batches, for example, that it is divided into 3 parts that are auctioned separately. If you want to access the entirety, you will have to bid and win all three auctions.