Carrefour surprises with a discount on Coosur 'Selección' extra virgin olive oil

Carrefour surprises with a discount on Coosur ‘Selección’ extra virgin olive oil

Carrefour follow in Alcampo’s footsteps and the price of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) drops from a leading brand such as Coosur. Furthermore, it is about the modality ‘Selection‘, a liquid gold made with 100% oil from oil millsintensity 3. The well-known brand, which has been working with the best olives since 1950, is sold in Carrefour at 27.45 euros in the 5-liter bottle format.

This low price is a real step forward and makes Carrefour enter the list of large food chains with the price per liter of oil less than 6 eurossince it costs 5.49 euros with the discount. Before, when it was not on sale, this bottle cost 40 euros (8 euros per liter).

This evoo Andalusian, from the province of Jaén, is one of the best valued by the chain’s customers, who have not hesitated to rate it with 4.91 stars out of 5, highlighting its “extraordinary” flavor or the possibility of taking advantage of this price to accumulate points in the Carrefour Club card by purchasing more than one container.

Extra virgin olive oil is no longer an unattainable food and is beginning to be placed at the forefront. level of the domestic economy. An example of this is all the promotions that are active in food chains.

This is the discounted Coosur ‘Gold Series’ virgin olive oil

The olive oil Coosur Selección sold by Carrefour for 27.45 euros per 5-liter bottle It is from Jaén and is made with the highest quality olives and mechanical procedures. It is a completely natural product, which does not contain additives or refinements and is essential in the kitchen, to give flavor to both raw and cooked dishes.

Carrefour also gives the option of purchasing through the website and having it delivered to your home free of charge if a certain amount is reached. Now, leaving aside this Carrefour promotion, on the same Coosur website ( they are celebrating the Golden Days, and they are lowering the price of the 5-liter bottle to 29.95 euros.

It is not the same one, but another from the Gold Series, which has 676 customer reviews, all of them positive. The offer, in this case, ends next Monday.

Other olive oil promotions at Carrefour

Carrefour has several promotions on its website that can be taken advantage of during these days. This is, for example, the offer on Carrefour picual extra virgin olive oil of 1 liter that costs 8.84 euros per unit, but which is within the well-known 3×2.

There is also a pack with three 5-liter bottles of original 0.4 degree or 1 degree olive oil from the Carbonell and Coosur brands, with which a liter of olive oil costs 5.29 euros.